Roll the Presses for the Barents Spektakel 2017 Newspaper
The Barents Spektakel festival newspaper is hot off the press and gives an in-depth look at the festival programme for 2017. Published in Norwegian, English and Russian, the newspaper is made with our cooperation partner, Sør-Varanger Avis.
From the very beginning in 2004, when the festival was young and believers were rare, SVA has been a faithful partner. For 13 years, SVA has been generously helping with the layout and printing of our festival newspaper, providing the festival with a valuable platform to spread the word about our programme and the border-crossing projects we do here at the Barents Spektakel.
Thanks to the team at SVA!
Support your local newspaper, wherever you are!
Can’t wait for the printed version? Download a digital copy of the newspaper here.