Category / Programme / Friday 10th February / Programme / Programme / Saturday 11th February / Programme / Sunday 12th February / Programme / Thursday 9th February

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  • Guided Tours

    We organise daily tours to the exhibition venues for the public with our guides Hilde Berteig and Ksenia Aksenova. Tours in Norwegian, English and Russian.

  • New Mineral Collective – Point Cloud Therapy

    New Mineral Collective (NMC) is a platform that explores the contemporary landscape and tries to understand the extent of human interaction with the earth’s surface. NMC infiltrates the existing global economic systems with acts of counter prospecting. These acts are realized through performances, films, and sculptures.

  • Marius Moldvær – Trace me where I’m not at home

    In Marius Moldvær’s project, the people of the Barents Region are the focus. Moldvær has placed woven, raw leather artworks in Kirkenes,
    Grense Jakobselv, Neiden, Nikel, Murmansk and Teriberka with each locations climate and environment affecting the artworks with constant change and development over time. The process creates a vivid recollection of the place – a reflection of how geography, climate, weather, settlement and industry shape the people who live there. Moldvær has also collected materials such as soil, roots and textiles that, together with the weaves, create a composite image of people of the north.

  • Church Concert

    ”Vær hilset” by Petter Dass. The music is performed by the Kirkenes church choir (conductor Alla Sukhomlina), Trygve Beddari and Anne Margaret Nilsen. The performance will celebrate the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation that the Lutheran faith is marking in 2017.

  • See you Later, Alligator! Inge Bremnes (NO) // The Wooden Whales (RU)

    Arctic cocktails with live music from the stage at the edge of the swimming pool. We turn down the lights, light up the candles and invite you for chill-out session with Inge Bremnes from Kvæfjord and The Wooden Whale from Murmansk. For children and adults.

  • The Guitar Pendulum

    Four electric guitars hang suspended from the ceiling. Below each guitar you find a guitar amplifier. By letting the guitars pass over the amps back and forth in a pendulum motion, through feedback, you create a random composition of short tones in constant rhythmic displacement. As the pendulum motion becomes gradually smaller, the tones are getting longer and longer, until the point where the guitars come to a rest over the amplifiers and the tones are constant and form a cluster.

  • The Festival Exhibition

    The festival exhibition develops the theme The Industrial Boomerang and presents artistic insight and reflections on the ongoing industrialization of the north; its economic, geopolitical, environmental and technological terms.