Barents Sports Days

This year’s Barents Sports Days will take place during late January to the start of February, with the main event during the weekend of February 3rd to 4th.  It all starts with the football tournament “Hesseng Cup” on Saturday 28th of January, visited by teams from our Russian neighbor municipality Pechenga, Hesseng Idrettslag is the organizer of the event. Football matches continue the following weekend; Kirkenes IF Futsal Tournament is taking place on Saturday 4th of February. Kirkenes Badminton club arranges training and matches in Fjellhallen the same weekend. Kirkenes Puckers have invited Pechenga Nikel for hockey matches at the Lillebanen skating rink. As usual, there will be a show by a figure skating troupe from Murmansk. Barents Sports Days ends during the evening the 4th of February, with a gala dinner and open pool at the Kirkenes School / Barentsbadet swimming pool.

Friday 03/02/17 Saturday 04/02/17

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